UNHCR Italian Campaign

My Assignment: Direction of TV Advertising spot

Campaign #mettiamocelointesta

FOCUS “Educate a child” programme
GOALS: dissemination, branding, fundraising

From 21 November to 11 December 2016

Creative Director: Fausto Nieddu
Director of Photography: Francesco De Siano
Photo for the Campaign: Riccardo Ghilardi
Video Editing: Danilo Galli (Tango - Rome)

Edited by UNHCR©2016

UNDP Albania Karaburun-Sazan MPA

My Assignment: Idea, Filmmaking, Editing, Post production

My place

Underwater shooting Riccardo Cingillo 
Drone Studio Bleta

National Marine Park Karaburun-Sazani in Albania narrated by the local communities. Improving Coverage and Effectiveness Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.

  • n. 1 Long Film  11 minutes  “My place”
  • n. 1 Short Film  4 minutes  “Karaburun-Sazani”
  • n. 1 Advertising spot 30 secondi

Edited by UNDP Albania ©2016

FAO/GFCM Marine Protected Areas

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Editing, Post Production






Improve the efficiency of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as fisheries management tools and highlight benefits of involving the small scale fisheries sector

  •  n. 1 Film  6 minutes – English version

Marine protected areas represent indeed an effective management tool that enables to protect vulnerable ecosystems as well as nursery and spawning areas in order to increase the productivity of fisheries and improve the situation of fisheries and fishers in the region … MORE

Edited by  FAO/GFCM ©2016

PELAGOS Sanctuary

My Assignment: Editing direction

PELAGOS Sanctuary from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

A call for Pelagos Sanctuary in the Mediterranean

Footage by Claudia Amico, TETHYS Sabina Airoldi, WWF France Denis Ody
  • n 1 Film 2 minutes English Edition

Rome, Italy – 16 years after its establishment, The Pelagos Sanctuary is still neither effective nor efficient. The agreement that established Pelagos is legally weak: governance of the area does not allow the development of a truly international form of management. In addition, resources needed to manage the Sanctuary in an efficient and effective manner are insufficient MORE… Edited by WWF©2016

WWF Le foreste che curano

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Repubblica Centrafricana, le foreste che curano from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.

 Le foreste che curano

Prendersi cura delle aree tropicali è necessario per proteggere l’ambiente e la salute infatti molte piante presenti nelle foreste tropicali hanno proprietà medicinali. Ciò significa che tutelare le aree tropicali del pianeta ci consente non solo di respirare meglio, ma anche di favorire le ricerche scientifiche volte a preservare la salute umana. Questo video mostra come la popolazione di Pigmei che vive nella Riserva Nazionale di Dzanga Sangha, nella Repubblica Centrafricana, si cura grazie alle risorse fornite della foresta dove vivono. READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2016


WWF Abitazione dei gorilla di pianura

My Assignment: Direction, Filmmaking, Edition

Repubblica Centrafricana, l’abituazione dei gorilla di pianura from Claudia Amico on Vimeo.

Central African Republic (CAR),

WWF Specialist Isabella Pratesi
TG5 Journalist Maria Luisa Cocozza
  • n 16 Clips for Media (RAI)
  • n 1 Tv Advertisement
  • n 1 Radio Advertisement
  • Filmmaking
  • TG 5 (Canale 5 -Mediaset Group) Reportage 50 minutes.


Studio sul campo dedicato ai gorilla di pianura nella Riserva Nazionale di Dzanga Sangha, nella Repubblica Centrafricana, dove è in corso il progetto WWF di “abituazione” dei gorilla. Si lavora in particolare con tre famiglie, che prendono il nome dal “Silverbeck” (il maschio del gruppo): i Makumba e i Mata a Bai Hokou, e i Mayele a Mongambe. L’abituazione ha due finalità una scientifica e una di tutela della specie. Il monitoraggio quotidiano delle famiglie di gorilla garantiscono un controllo e una deterrente contro le attività di bracconaggio.  READ MORE  Edited by WWF©2016


FAO/GFCM – Small-Scale Fishery Conference

My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production

Building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) – Regional Conference
Algiers, Algeria, 7-9 March 2016

  • n 1 Opening Pre Conference 5 minutes – English and French versions
  • n 1 Report Post Conference 6 minutes – English and French versions


The Regional Conference hence offered a unique opportunity to intensify efforts, in a concerted manner, to secure common strategies for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the region … MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2016



Improved drinking water sources

My assignment: Filmmaking and Photos
Ferrarelle SpA Representative on the field Antonio De Caro

UNICEF’s partnership with the Government of the State of Eritrea in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene contributes to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 7 target 10 on improved drinking water and sanitation. It aims to increase improved and safe access to WASH services and practices, focusing on vulnerable groups including people in drought-prone areas. The programme focuses on improved drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene and WASH in schools… Edited by UNICEF