Decades of experience in video and filmmaking, capturing photos and editing.
Main Clients: FAO, GFCM (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean), RAI, SAVE THE CHILDREN, SKYTG24, UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR, WWF Italian office (MEDPo) and the Mediterranean Marine Iniziative.

I’m an independent videomaker and photographer with great versatility and a major interest in projects for non profit organizations and agencies which focus on environmental and humanitarian issues. I have been working in film and television for the last 36 years and have had the opportunity to develop an exhaustive knowledge of all aspects, both technical and content oriented, of audiovisual issues.

What I do
- I take care of the entire process from start to finish
- Production Management
- Digital filmaker: Self-shooting director with DSLR system (Digital Single Lens Reflex)
- Creativity
- Editing, Post-Production
- On-Air and On-line adaptions
Technical equipment
- SONY ILCE 7R M2 Camera equipped with SONY original GM lens
- ADOBE Suite (Premiere, After Effect, Light Room, Photoshop)