- 2023-24 FAO/GFCM Consultant
- 2023 UNHCR Regular vendor
- 2023 WWF Regular vendor
My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production
Almost two years after the Bucharest Declaration signed in October 2016, six Black Sea riparian countries and the European Union signed the Sofia Declaration renewing their commitment to achieve sustainable fisheries and aquaculture in the region. After successful discussions under the umbrella of the General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the ministers and high-level representatives of Black Sea riparian countries have pledged to take concrete action in order to ensure a brighter future for the region and its coastal communities… MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2018
My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production
Although the main commercial fish species in the Mediterranean and Black Sea are still over-fished, pressure has reduced over the past years, raising hopes – for the first time – for the recovery of fish stocks, according to new FAO- GFCM report launched today. The percentage of overexploited fish stocks decreased by 10 percent – from 88 percent in 2014 to 78 percent in 2016.
MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2018
My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production
Countries and stakeholders with vested interest in the sustainability of the Mediterranean and the Black Sea and their fisheries were called together to assess progress made towards the implementation of the Malta MedFish4Ever Declaration and to renew commitments towards achieving the targets therein. A special focus was placed on social development for small-scale fisheries, decent work and the celebration of the international day for the fight against IUU fishing. MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2019
My Assignment: photo only for the WEB site
Every aspect of fisheries management is made stronger when the fishers are a part of it
Official photographer
The FishMPABlue2 project aimed to test a set of governance measures identified as key factors for the successful management of small-scale fisheries within and around Marine Protected Areas (MPA) in the Mediterranean (‘Governance toolkit’) and to assess its ecological, economic and social impact. This ‘Governance toolkit’ has been tested in 11 pilot sites, located in 6 Mediterranean countries (Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Slovenia, and Spain) in order to assess and quantify its success in achieving expected results in terms of MPA ecological effectiveness, benefits delivered to small scale fisheries and social acceptance of management measures by stakeholders… MORE
All the videos have been produced by WWF Mediterranean in the framework of the FishMPABlue2 project. Dissemination by WWF Mediterranean Programme © 2018
My Assignment: Photo
° Photos for the Printed Edition
Although the main commercial fish species in the Mediterranean and Black Sea are still over-fished, pressure has reduced over the past years, raising hopes – for the first time – for the recovery of fish stocks, according to new FAO- GFCM report launched today.
MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2018
My Assignment: Photo Story
Stories from the heart of Europe to the Silk Road in Central Asia, UNDP helps people build better lives … MORE. Edited by UNDPEURASIA© 2017
My Assignment: Idea, Filmmaking, Editing, Post production
Underwater shooting Riccardo Cingillo Drone Studio Bleta
National Marine Park Karaburun-Sazani in Albania narrated by the local communities. Improving Coverage and Effectiveness Management of Marine and Coastal Protected Areas.
Edited by UNDP Albania ©2016
My Assignment: Photo Story
Written by Gretchen Lyons
WWF is building a future where people and nature thrive. Edited by WWF© 2016
My Assignment: Director - Filmmaking - Editing - Post Production
The Regional Conference hence offered a unique opportunity to intensify efforts, in a concerted manner, to secure common strategies for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the region … MORE. Edited by FAO/GFCM©2016